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Welcome Back, Tim!

Dr. Timothy Wandling, a professor from the Department of English, will work with other SSU faculty, the City of Santa Rosa and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to launch a new program called Sustainable City Year (SYC). The model, created by the University Of Oregon, has now been implemented at more than a dozen campuses, including San Diego State University. In this program, students engage with local cities' sustainability efforts while completing course assignments and projects.

"I am delighted to be working closely with the CCE again on the Sustainable City Initiative. I believe our students, guided and mentored by our committed faculty, can truly make a difference in supporting Santa Rosa as it works towards a more sustainable future," says Tim.

Tim has a long history of involvement with service-learning and the CCE. He is dedicated to social justice and has taught many service-learning classes. He was one of the original Faculty Fellows in the Office of Community Based Learning and in 2006-2007, served on the search committee that hired Merith Weisman as the CCE Coordinator. We are excited to welcome him back!

More information about SSU's SCY is coming soon. Learn more about the work at Oregon:
The SCYP Model
SCYP Flyer
SCYP Project Portfolios

SCY is a financially self-sustainable model, however, significant investment in the development phase is necessary. Special thanks to Provost Andrew Rogerson for supporting the launch of this program.

To contact Tim, email