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In-Person to Online: Tips and Trends now Canvas Webpage

Tips and Trends focuses on how faculty can create and deepen their service-learning classes. Last year this workshop was held in person, but with the on-going pandemic, this workshop has now been moved to Canvas and created as an asynchronous  workshop for faculty members to access anytime. 

This workshop allows faculty to access and view all sorts of different resources that could help them if they are having trouble figuring out where to start or if they want to further their teaching process. Service-learning is a pedagogy that utilizes community service projects within the context of an academic course. It is designed to incorporate community experience into classroom projects for students. By doing this, it helps guide students into understanding how community experience relates to different academic fields. 

As a third year student at SSU and a blogger intern for the CCE, I honestly didn’t understand what this workshop was about until I started going through it myself. Since this workshop is designed for faculty only, it was really interesting to get a small behind the scenes look into how our faculty at SSU design and create service-learning projects for their students. I really believe that when education and community experience is put together, I am able to get a better understanding of what exactly I’m learning and how it relates to my community. I definitely feel like more professors should be interested in implementing service-learning into their curriculum, as it would make learning more fun. 

To read about past Tips and Trends in Service-Learning workshops, click here

To get access to the Canvas course, please email Missy Garvin