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Simple Ways to Save Your Health, Money, and Planet: Tip 8

Change Your Care Products

Part 8 of a 10 Part Series

See Tip 123456, and 7.

Self-care is an important aspect of maintaining both our health and wellbeing. However, many of the products we use everyday to take care of ourselves may be doing the exact opposite to our bodies. Everywhere you look there are commercials, advertisements, and fancy labels that promote big-brand name products with nice scents, pretty colors, and celebrity spokespersons, but when you take a closer look at the ingredients what you discover may disturb you. There are so many companies that use known cancer-causing ingredients, artificial dyes and bleach, and completely unnatural materials that have no place within our bodies, let alone the products we use to take care of ourselves. For me, taking the initiative to change my self-care products was one of the best steps I have taken towards living a more sustainable life. I feel more in control of what my money is supporting, as well as more in control of what I put into my body. The average American uses around 8 different care products a day, in other words we apply over 100 chemicals per day to our hair, eyes, face, neck, and underarms every day. Not only do these products seep into our bodies but they also wash down the drain and are harming our environment.


Deodorant -
Almost all brand-name deodorants and antiperspirants have pore-plugging ingredients that can lead to breast cancer or Alzheimer's disease. Try Tom's of Maine or Kiss my Face deodorants.

Body Wash -
Get educated on the ingredients and toxins you routinely use to wash our body, and stay away from soaps containing colored dyes and fragrances. Synthetic colors are derived from petroleum or coal tar and fragrances have been linked to allergies and respiratory distress.

Cosmetics -
Cosmetic manufacturers are allowed to use almost any raw materials as cosmetic 
ingredients and market products without an approval from the FDA. Also animal testing is still an ongoing practice in the cosmetic industry.

Shampoo/Conditioner -
Sodium and ammonium laureth sulfates are known cancer-causing ingredients but they are still used in almost every shampoo! Next time you look at the label, google the name of the ingredients you don't know.

Lotion -
Most cosmetic ingredients are more harmful to put on our skin than they would be to eat them. Many lotions include thickening agents, additives made from animal fat, and colored dyes.

Toothpaste -
Many brand-name toothpastes and mouthwashes contain the same chemicals as rat 
poison and engine degreaser. The very small molecules can penetrate through the tissue of your mouth, enter the bloodstream, and build up in the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and tissues. Try using herbal toothpastes.

Your health and your money are two very important areas of your life, and changing your self-care products is one way to improve both. Try using organic or biodegradable products whenever possible and refuse to buy products from companies who do not care about you! Europe has banned hundreds of chemicals, toxins, and dyes from being used in food, cosmetics, and other products. We too have the power as the citizens of this country to demand that the use of dangerous chemicals and ingredients be prohibited for not only our self-care products, but in everything that is offered to us as consumers. How we spend our money has such an influence on what is being sold to us and what the current market standards are for production. When you change your self-care products, you start to change the way that companies value you as a customer.